Life For Uganda is partnering with communities in the Amudat District of Uganda. Many are in evident distress and the needs in this region are significant. School children are gathering in semi-permanent structures which they have outgrown and which have no water sources nearby. There is need for curriculum and translation materials, teacher training, and classroom supplies.
Life For Uganda partners with local communities when supporting a school project. These projects are initiated from within the village community, and we provide financial support to help bring the project to completion. For example, a village might secure the land on which a school will be built, and then begin making bricks on-sight. Local families will contribute food for workers during construction. Not only does this create investment in a local economy, but it empowers the community and ensures a business plan for ongoing maintenance and administration once a school is completed. Life For Uganda will often continue to provide support for teacher training, classroom furniture and teaching materials.

Did you know that most families in rural areas of Uganda walk for miles every day to fetch water for their families? In village communities, boreholes are usually the only water source for a household, and it often falls upon the young children or the women to walk to and from the borehole several times a day. A borehole near a family’s home can literally save lives. But before drilling for a borehole, an engineer must determine the right drilling location and the land must then be acquired. As with school projects, Life For Uganda takes a support role in this activity. Because of its importance, often the village community is able to negotiate a donation or trade for the land identified for the borehole. Life For Uganda provides financial support to finish the drilling and installation project. The local community will elect a management board to collect a small usage fee and oversee ongoing maintenance of the borehole once it’s operational.